
An efficient P300-based brain-computer interface for disabled subjects

On this page you can find the EEG datasets (in MATLAB format) and the MATLAB software that were used to produce the results in the paper An efficient P300-based brain-computer interface for disabled subjects. The files published here allow to reproduce the results in the aforementioned paper, but can also be used as a basis for your own research on P300-based brain-computer interfaces. Should you use the datasets or software for your own publications please do not forget to cite our paper.

Description of datasets and software

EEG datasets (each file has a size of about 270M)


A Boosting Approach to P300 Detection with Application to Brain-Computer Interfaces

Here you can find MATLAB-Code and a small dataset, demonstrating the algorithm described in:

A Boosting Approach to P300 Detection with Application to Brain-Computer Interfaces.

Affect Recognition Based on Physiological Changes During the Watching of Music Video

 On this page, you can find the EEG and peripheral physiological dataset that was used in the study presented in the paper Affect Recognition Based on Physiological Changes During the Watching of Music Video. This paper presents our work on conducting binary classification of induced positive/negative valence, high/low arousal, and like/dislike by using the aforementioned signals. Should you use the datasets or software for your own publications please do not forget to cite our paper.

Description of datasets 


EEG datasets (each file has a size of about 270M)


Self assessments
